0.03: Big Block of Cheese II

For the last episode of the year, we answer listener questions in our 2nd edition of The West Wing Weekly Big Block of Cheese Day. Thanks so much for listening to the show this year and giving us a great 2016 — apart from, well, everything else that happened.

If you are looking for good causes to support this holiday season, we suggest:
The Pablove Foundation
Southern Poverty Law Center
Bet Tzedek 
Justice for Vets

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footnotes —
Hrishi's West Wing cast: full cast list
Our West Wing prequel: starring roles with photos

2.12: The Drop In (with Kim Webster)

Forget the popcorn, we got Ginger! Kim Webster joins us to talk about the fortuitous path that led her to the role. So affix your signature and seal, baby — <sexy music> — we're about to declare you extraordinary and plenipotentiary. 

Plus, we're doing our FIRST EVER live taping. It's in San Francisco, on January 15, 2017, at the Sketchfest Comedy Festival. We'll be joined by friend (?) of the show, Bradley Whitford. GET TICKETS.

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footnotes —
Larry Wilmore at the White House Correspondents' Dinner 

2.11: The Leadership Breakfast

When we spoke to Emily Procter (episode 2.04), she told us a story about a lunch meeting she had with Tommy Schlamme that had an unexpected twist. We've been holding on to her story until this episode. You'll hear why. Plus, a lot of #TrumpAiYiYi.

And, if you have a question you'd like to ask Josh & Hrishi, record yourself asking it and send it to us at memos@thewestwingweekly.com for an upcoming Q&A episode we'll be doing.

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footnotes —
Seven and a half hours = 71/////2 hours
Tickets for the Thrilling Adventure Hour live show in Los Angeles with Josh, et al.

2.10: Noël (with Bradley Whitford and Ellen Totleben)

sung to the melody of “Carol of the Bells” —
Hark! oh my gosh
Hrishi and Josh
Discuss Noël
Puns and intel

Ellen Totleben
Tells us laymen
All that you see
Was her duty

She was the West Wing Set Decorator
And we’ll talk to Bradley Whitford later

When it’s just us
Things we discuss:
Tommy Schlamme

I got a job?
You got a job.
Bush versus Gore
Yo-Yo and more

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!
Bradley Whitford won an Emmy with this

Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!
Epic flentl; you don't want to miss this.

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Yo-Yo Ma, at age 7, performs for President Kennedy
“Paper Boi” from Atlanta 
Paperboy by Atari
And from the corrections department: Paxton Whitehead is alive and well, and still performing. An earlier version of this episode Josh suggested otherwise, and he was (ahem) mortified to learn of the error. Apologies to Mr Whitehead!

PS — check out this amazing rendition of the show description above. Thank you to Ralph, Bridget, Anna, and Des!