4.16: The California 47th
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Ah, Miss Hamantaschen! It's the California 47th. Josh and Hrishi discuss the linguistic nuance of Rice Krispies and what one calls the treats made from them. And, Mrs Hottentot, Hrishi introduces a handy online tool for President Bartlet: the Debbie Fiderer nickname generator.
footnotes —
President's Food Stamp Cuts
Strong Bad Email #26 - CGNU
Kellogg's Rice Krispies Treats recipe
Rice Krispie(s) Treats video, from Joy of Baking
Quincy Jones in Vulture
Love-struck hero or creepy harasser? Suddenly we’re seeing our favorite rom-coms in a new light.
Schottenfreude: German Words for the Human Condition
Labour MP attacks David Cameron for using the word ‘poncey
Tank Man